I made a post on twitter about this the other day. I contend that this is all stemming from Hillary's email debacle. Her email scandal was ENORMOUSLY bad, not just for her, but for govt officials and the whole Democrat party. They have been covering for it ever since. They did everything to get her in the POTUS office, and failed. They wanted her there so she could get rid of all remaining traces of evidence. Obviously didn't happen. They initiated the whole Russiagate thing as a backup plan to try and take him out if Hillary didn't win. Once he won, they had to do a full court press to get him out of office, keep all the evidence buried and keep him off balance by perpetual hearings, investigations, hearings, impeachment BS etc. Throw in all the Hunter Biden stuff, especially the Ukraine money laundering biolabs, etc., they were in a panic. Everything we are dealing with today stems from her email scandal and covering Biden's stuff. Its all a big continuation.

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I'm thinking that it goes deeper than that. Obama promised a "fundamental transformation" of the United States. Trump upset that apple cart.

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I wonder why Jeff Sessions did nothing? He seemed like such a good Trump pick.

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But he wasn’t. He turned out to be among the worst. Notice how he’s been off the radar ever since. He refused to do the right thing.

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