DIVERSITY: Using Our Children To Create Chaos, Destroy The Family, Church, And The Republic: Part 3.
CDC Creates a Counter Culture of Children and Normalizes the Transgender Child
In Part 1 I showed how Barack Obama through executive orders and presidential memoranda, introduced the Nation to the idea that gender can be variable which is an idea that directly challenges the biological reality that gender is restricted to males and females defined solely by X and Y chromosomes.
In Part 2 I showed how Joesph Biden ordered every administrative agency and the military to recognize the vast panoply of manufactured genders that are based not on immutable human biology but on a new concept of “gender self-identification” based on how a person “feels” about their sexuality and not on the biology of their body. Those orders by Biden require the federal government to force legal accommodation for those who “identify” as other than a biological male or female; a step far beyond the concept of homosexuality and one that has now been incorporated into each administrative agency and the uniformed services.
Part 2 also focused on the one agency in the federal government that is capable of giving biological significance and credibility to Biden’s view of human biology as being what ever one wants it to be. That new ability to self-ascertain “gender” also very pointedly includes children who are now recognized by the federal government as capable of determining their own “true gender” and sexuality. The primacy of parents has been replaced by the primacy of children an idea backed by the bully pulpit of the federal government and its media lackeys.
The agency that eagerly accepted the task of explaining and supporting all of this is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC accomplished this by creating the data needed to support the Biden administration’s assertion that vast numbers of Americans were being denied equal treatment because they didn’t “fit” into the “false” majority view that gender consists only of men and women, a determination in the the administration’s view that is falsely based solely on biology.
Finally, Part 2 described those measures that some adults are taking to satisfy their notion of what their true non-biological gender is. Those measures include radical, disfiguring surgeries, the life long use of human sex hormones, and hormone blockers to alter their physical appearance in order to bring it more in line with the gender they believe themselves to be.
So how did CDC suddenly discover that vast numbers of youth were suffering because of their sudden recognition that they were not really the gender that they were “assigned” at birth? CDC arrived at this conclusion by conducting a survey through its Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH).
DASH is a unique source of support for HIV, STD, and unintended pregnancy prevention efforts in the nation’s schools. DASH works to protect and improve the health of youth by:
Collecting and analyzing data that drive action.
Translating science into innovative programs and tools that protect youth.
Supporting a network of leaders in primary prevention by funding education agencies that reach nearly 2 million students.
DASH is committed to preventing HIV, STDs, and pregnancy among all youth.
I want you to pay close attention to the very last word, “youth”. Why? Because elsewhere CDC explains that the term “youth” includes people as old as 24 years of age. CDC has now equated your children with adults.
So, why has CDC focused on schools? Good question and CDC knew that you might ask it. Here is their answer:
“Schools: The Right Place for a Healthy Start
Schools have direct contact with 56 million students for at least 6 hours a day during the most critical years of their social, physical, and intellectual development.1,2
School health programs can reduce the prevalence of health risk behaviors among youth and have a positive effect on academic performance.3
Each school day provides students the opportunity to learn the importance of behaviors and skills needed to engage in a healthy lifestyle. It is easier and more effective to develop healthy behaviors during childhood than to change unhealthy behaviors during adulthood.4 Schools can contribute directly to a student’s ability to successfully practice behaviors that promote health and well-being.”
Willie Sutton a famous bank robber with a 40 year career was once asked: “Why do you rob banks.” Sutton’s answer? “Because that’s where the money is.” And so — why are schools the “Right Place”? Because that’s where 56 million members of the most impressionable and vulnerable segment of our society are and that is where they can be influenced in the absence of mom and dad six hours a day, five days a week, 180 days a year.
And so schools are where CDC hits the “gender self-identification” gold mine. CDC’s mining tool is the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), a survey of a sampling of the nations high school students. The ostensible purpose of that survey is to determine how many high school students engage in risky sexual behaviors so that the CDC and others can develop intervention strategies and allocate resources to address them.
Here is how CDC describes YRBS.
“The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors six categories of health-related behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults, including—
Behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence
Sexual behaviors related to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection
Alcohol and other drug use
Tobacco use
Unhealthy dietary behaviors
Inadequate physical activity
YRBSS also measures the prevalence of obesity and asthma and other health-related behaviors plus sexual identity and sex of sexual contacts.
YRBSS is a system of surveys. It includes 1) a national school-based survey conducted by CDC and state, territorial, tribal, and 2) local surveys conducted by state, territorial, and local education and health agencies and tribal governments.”
But what they don’t tell you about this survey instrument is what question 64 is:
Which of the following best describes you?
A. Heterosexual (straight)
B. Gay or lesbian
C. BisexualD. I describe my sexual identity some other way
E. I am not sure about my sexual identity (questioning)F. I do not know what this question is asking
Based on this survey CDC concluded that there are 1,994,000 LGBT children between the ages of 13 and 17 in the United States. Of those children 149,000 claim to be transgender. Who knew?
How valid and reliable is this CDC survey? CDC anticipated that question as well and this is what they say about the YRBS’ validity:
”Research indicates data of this nature may be gathered as credibly from adolescents as from adults. Internal reliability checks help identify the small percentage of students who falsify their answers. To obtain truthful answers, students must perceive the survey as important and know procedures have been developed to protect their privacy and allow for anonymous participation.”
Just a couple of points and one question.
First, “Research indicates” without a link to that research is the equivalent of “research says that the moon is made of green cheese”. Second, CDC provides no information on the reliability of those reliability checks. Third, “students must perceive the survey as important”(emphasis added) — which leads to the one question I have for all you:
How many of you are currently or have been the parent of a teenager?
For those who raised your hand, how eager were you to share information about your sexuality or your thoughts about sexuality with anyone when you were a teenager?
Here is a sub-question:
How many of you raised or are raising teen age boys? You tell me how valid this survey is.
Based on this survey and the data it created CDC has developed an entire section of its official web site called LGBT Youth. Notice again the use of the word “youth” a term established by CDC to include adults up to 24 years old. Here is what CDC has to say about they YRBS and LGBT youth:
”Historically, YRBS and other studies have gathered data on lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth but have not included questions about transgender and questioning/queer youth. As that changes and data becomes available, this content will be updated to include information regarding transgender and questioning/queer youth.
Most lesbian, gay, bisexual, (LGB) youth are happy and thrive during their adolescent years. Having a school that creates a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and having caring and accepting parents are especially important. Positive environments can help all youth achieve good grades and maintain good mental and physical health. However, some LGB youth are more likely than their heterosexual peers to experience negative health and life outcomes.
For youth to thrive in schools and communities, they need to feel socially, emotionally, and physically safe and supported. A positive school climate has been associated with decreased depression, suicidal feelings, substance use, and unexcused school absences among LGB students.”
In short, CDC has determined that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning/queer or transgender is a perfectly normal and common occurrence among the nation’s children and it is their job, the schools job, and YOUR job to support those children in their new self-identified gender or their chosen sexual preferences — with out question.
Forget your faith, forget human biology; if your 13 year son decides that his birth as a male was a mistake and he really should be a girl then by all means support him. Help him become that girl.
If your 13 year old daughter arrives at the conclusion that her true gender was miss assigned at birth, then by all means you are most certainly obligated to support her in every possible way to become they boy she always knew she is.
So sayeth the CDC.
In Part 4 I will take you on a journey of sexual exploration that CDC has made openly available to your children — in your absence, without your permission.
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
5Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Union, KY
8 October 2022
I'm curious, when did the CDC start this DASH program? From the data I've seen kids are dumber, more anxious, suicidal, fatter and altogether worse off than 10 years ago. I'm thankful our girls are grown and out of school but I am going to do everything I can to make sure our granddaughters aren't exposed to this craziness! All I can do is pray for the other children.
It is true that those who are homosexual have different health outcomes. Something like 20% more likely to commit suicide, for example. 40% higher incidences of mental/emotional health difficulties.
This is just the LGB community. I saw a great meme which I have put here (can't post memes on substacks!): https://u.cubeupload.com/JanCarol/LGBandTQ.jpg
TQ+ is not only anti-woman, it is anti-lesbian. I'm not sure how the gay men feel about it, other than the freedom to put pink panties on....