Meet Sam Britton
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy
22“ ‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
23“ ‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it.’ ” Lev 18:22-23
This is what Mr. Britton wrote about himself on Linkedin before accepting the position of Dep. Asst. Sec. for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. On paper Mr. Britton, an MIT graduate, has a stellar resume suggesting that he would make a wonderful person to head this function that ensures that our nuclear waste is properly disposed of lest it cause irreparable harm to the environment or to those living near a nuclear waste site.
A position like this requires not only a superior background but the intellect to go with it AND outstanding leadership skills that demand the trust and respect of you staff as well as those in business, state and local government. That need for earned respect must extend to the international community as well.
That is the kind of person that we should expect to hold a position as important as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy. In short the position demands a person of substantial gravitas.
Meet Sam Britton, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy.
One may make the argument that what Mr. Britton does in his free time is his business alone. That may be true if Mr. Britton held any other job from mechanic to broker but at the level of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy Mr. Britton is always on duty.
One may also make the argument that his photo is taken out of context and is not representative of who Mr. Britton really is.
Search the internet. This photo is not a “one of”.
While Mr. Britton is described as an LBGQT activist and is proud of his role and his “off duty” activities, each of us must ask ourselves: Is this who I want making decisions that may have a significant impact on the health of myself and my family or that effect the environment?
Union, KY
15 Feb 2022
More likely he is a dutiful toadie who will continue the Democrat policy of charging outrageous amounts for Nuclear Waste storage/disposal while using ridiculous excuses to prevent any commercial hi-level nuclear waste storage to be licensed. While claiming on site dry cask storage is unacceptable. And at the same time killing the highly successful IFR (Intergral Fast Reactor) program that would burn spent nuclear fuel generating $100 trillion in clean energy. At the same time these hypocrites claim "we have a climate change emergency" and meanwhile they happily shutdown perfectly good nuclear power plants, replacing them with gas generation. Why don't they charge gas, coal and wind/solar similar fees for their millionX greater quantity of waste storage/disposal. Waste that actually does kill people, unlike nuclear waste.